With whole foods, plants and #healthy fats

1. Focus on Whole Foods
In general, fresh and minimally processed foods retain more nutrients than processed foods.
Heathy Eating Tips:
Start your shopping in the produce department.
When possible chose antibiotic and hormone free meat

2. Fill your plate with #plants
Eat a rainbow of different-colored plants including whole grains and beans to provide your body with a wide variety of nutrients.
Healthy Eating Tips:
For delicious sources of plant-based protein, look to beans and legumes.
Incorporate fiber-filled whole grains into breakfast, lunch and dinner.

3. Choose healthy fats
Get satisfaction from smart portions of whole food sources such as nuts, coconuts, seeds, grass-fed butter, Ghee, extra virgin #oliveoil avocados.
Healthy Eating Tips:
Avoid many of the darlings of the health food industry: grapeseed oil, canola oil and rice bran oil
Exclude any fat or oil that wouldn’t have been available two-hundred years ago or that is produced through industrialized processes like hexane-extraction, genetic modification or hydrogenization.